By Bryan Smeltzer


Thrive Global Magazine Article: “VISION”

Recent Interview with Thrive Global on “VISION”.

Vision; have a Visionary leader who can see the future and map out the path to achieving this goal.

This trait is inherent in all Great companies, and without a Visionary, they will sail listlessly with no rudder or sail and no direction. This leader is the Passion behind the Vision. They will convey this visually and verbally, stay committed to its execution, and provide a clear definitive, execution plan for the team to follow. A true Visionary leader, one who shows the way (Vision) and shares (Humility) in all the credit!

Have a Vision, be Different, be Great!

#thriveglobal #thriveglobalmagazine #huffingtonpost #greatleaders #visionaryleadership #authoritymagazine #yitziweiner

Bryan Smeltzer

LiquidMind Inc.